Embeno dues entrades per a la final de la champions league a Atenes el proximo dia 23 de maig, són de categoria 1 (la millor) i són adquirides del sorteig realitzat per la UEFA al febrer de 2007.
Preu 3000?/ entrada (negociables clar aquesta....) info:____________________________________________________________________ I sell two tiquets by the final of the champions league in Athens next May 23, they llauri of category 1 (the best) and llauri acquired of the drawing realized by the UEFA in February, 2007.
Price: 3000 ? / tiquets (negotiable ....) Info:____________________________________________________________________ Do you want to repeat the final of 2003? To return to see this image? Buy already the ball of the final and we give you 2 tiquets category 1 for Athens!! info in A partire dalle due immagini desiderate rinviare per vedere? Campione de Milano a Atene sconfitta in 1994 o contro Liverpool in Istambul? compra la sfera dellestremità ed abbiamo dato a 2 entrate voi la categoria 1 per Atene! VENDETTA!! Info
- Publicación: 29/01/2010
- Localització: Garriga (La), Barcelona
- Preu: 3090€