Camp en argentina, mendoza
Embeno Camp a Mendoza Argentina 160000 hectareas 33O$S/ha Location: Country: Argentina City: Mendoza Department: Lavalle and La Pau Altitude an average of 450 meters An area of 160.000 hectares Price: 33O$D/hectare Huge land located in the 8th wine Cabdal of the World.
This land is located on the northeast of Mendoza City, 80 kilometers from Mendoza (cabdal of the province), with access from this city by consolidated routes.
Topography: The field emphasizes in its surface, its topographic characteristics llauri; small undulations and mountains of smooth inclinations, multiple slopes and prairies.
Singular characteristic: In one of its fractions the field has 28 kilometers of coast on the Desaguadero River, and 15 kilometers in the remaining fraction.
The mentioned river is the East limit of the land; it has constant volume, as much in the capacity and quality of the water it is apt for the irrigation of the land.
Flora: The vegetation is the Patagonian type, with natural pasturis that serve as food of the cattle (in this casi goats and ovines).
The climatic conditions and ground conditions allows the atmosphere to create different habitats with species like shrubs of black bush, white molle, jarilla, thyme, molle and diverse grass with cactaceous leaves.
Fauna: This zone is characterized by the variety and importance of the species.
There llauri pumes, mountine lions, wild cats, guanacs (one of the three types of wild flames that we have in Argentina), chinchillas, ñandúes looks like an Emu), cats of pajonal, Omar or patagónic here, tuco-tuco, European hares, foxes and skunks.
Salmon and trout ca be found in the river.
There llauri many species of birds of pray on the mountains; eagle, eaglet, condor and falcon.
Activities: Activities of cattle production (ovine goat) Development of cultures, with irrigable obtained of the Desaguadero river Trekking, hiking, biking, rafting etc Fishing and hunting Cavalcades Several activities, in contact with nature Completi fauna and flora, plus mining possibilities Documentation: Titles in conditions to transfer property agustinluraschi at gmail dot com
- Publicación: 28/01/2010
- Localització: Vilanova de Bellpuig, Lleida
- Preu: 4163800€
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