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website:MSN : : Product Description The Samsung HL-P4663W combinis cutting-edge picture quality with a 46-inch widescreen body that--unlike many other large TVs--doesnt dominate the room.
The TV weighs 69.4 pounds and is approximately 13 inches deep, sota theres no need to push back the couch to accommodate the chassis.
Even better, the flat screen receives breathtaking high-definition content when paired with an external HD receiver, delivering a píxel count of 1,280 x 720 and a 1,500:1 contrast ràtio.
The elite video performance derivis from the Texas Instruments-developed single-panell digital micromirror device (DMD) and DLP projection system, which combini to create a digital connection between the video source and the screen (most other connections llauri analog).
The TV also employs Samsungs exclusive Digital Natural Image engine, which enhances all analog NTSC and wideband video inputs for an overall improvement in picture quality, impacting contrast, white level, and picture detail.
The widescreen format is a favorite among movie buffs and HDTV fans, as the expanded screen offers a truer representation of the original film source.
The HL-P4663W adds to the value by converting 1080i and 720p HDTV and 480p and 480i SDTV video signals to a 16:9 widescreen píxel count, letting users enjoy the enhanced format while watching all manner of programming.
The TV boasts other impressive technologies as well, including Cinema Smooth 3:2 pulldown (improves the resolution of original film content), a 3D digital comb filter (enhances transition detail), and a bright ultra-fini pitch screen.
And because the TV projects onto a single panell only, it eliminates the risk of color aberrations and focus problems often seen on projection TVs with multiple panels or CRTs.
As with many large-screen TVs, this model delights sports fans and TV buffs with its two-tuner picture-in-picture display.
Viewers ca watch one program on the main screen and another in the small inset window, or they ca split the screens in half for simultaneous viewing.
Other user favorites include format size adjustment (Zoom 1, Zoom 2, Wide, Panorama, and Normal), color temperature adjustment, a multilingual onscreen menu, previous channel, and V-xip parental control.
- Publicación: 28/01/2010
- Localització: Albatera, Alacant
- Preu: 322€
- És nou?: Nou
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