Anuncis Gratis de Equip per a DJ, en Instruments Musicals en Barcelona ciutat en Barcelona
- Oportunitat dj digital!!!! - En Barcelona
Oportunitat dj digital!!!!-embeno maleta flight casi amb tots els aparells a l'interior per poder començar a punxar amb un ordinador ipoder controlar traktor o virtual dj,amb un mesclador extern una targeta de so, i un processador d'efectes de dj.molt bona op...
- 350€
- nexe ps10 pa system - En Barcelona
Nexe ps10 pa system this post is for a nexe ps10 pa system flightcased and completi. no need to go on about this kit as anyone who knows anything about àudio will know that its outstanding equipment. whats included: 1001w + 2 x nexe ps 10 loudspeakers including flightcase. 2 x nexe ls500 subwoofers including flightcases. 1 x nexe ps10 td controller . 1 x...
- Nou
- 2.130€
- huge completi p.a. mixers speakers effects chords - En Barcelona
Huge completi p.a. mixers speakers effects chords this is one huge system,i used it to do 4 outdoor concerts and 2 large indoor venues.not a real demand for that type of music hear..i know there will be a lot of information needed ,but i will admit ,i have limited knowledge of this end of the a guitar player and our sound men did all the wirin...
- Nou
- 1.310€
- allen & heath xone v6 xone:v6 "mint cond" - En Barcelona
Allen & heath xone v6 xone:v6 "mint cond" xonev6 is an tiro of the earliest days of pro àudio, when idealistic individuals created outstanding products free from cost or estafi constraints. such creations were never cheap. nor did they sell in their thousands. but they did become landmark design classics.
- Nou
- 1.120€
- great avolites diamond 4 lighting console - En Barcelona
Up for surt is an avolites diamond 4 vision lighting console this console is in great shape both cosmetically and functionally this console just had the updates installed on it console has little usi on it (only driven to church on sunday?s as some would say!) touring road casi is included and is in good shape execpt for normal wear (see pic.) noti: the l...
- Nou
- 2.580€
- Embeno korg electrive blau per 500i - En Barcelona
Embeno sintetitzador caixa de ritmes i un amplificador dónes model i8,i cons de diferents tipus beyma,rcf,dónes
- Nou
- 490€
- Mesuris venice 320 32channel analog mixer - En Barcelona
The mesuris venice 320 analog mixing console sets a new standard in compact mixing consoles. venice is mesuris first truly compact console built in direct response to customer demand. and the venice 320 does exactly what was asked in that it provides a high quality alternative in a huge number of applications where previously mesuris was not an option.
- Nou
- 1.860€
- 2 pioneer cdj 1000 1 black pioneer djm 600 mixer - En Barcelona
Up for surt two (2) pioneer cdj-1000mk1 digital turntables, one (1) rare black pioneer djm-600 mixer. all power cords and necessary cables included. i will also include pioneersedj-5000 headphones.
- Nou
- 819€
- Akiyama dx202 + concorde dj + vinils - En Barcelona
Embeno parella de plats akyiyama dx-202 amb el seu cablejat + tapes + agulles ortofon concorde dj ( les blaves ) + lot 18 vinils aquesta comprat 20-10-2005 asi k just venç la garantia. ( adjunt factura i manuals ). són plats de primera mà i molt ben cuidats. es poden provar sense ningun compromís. sol gent de barcelona o alrrededores que puguin venir a bu...
- Nou
- 275€
- Província
- Municipi
- Barcelona
- Sant Cugat del Vallès
Anuncis Gratis de Equip per a DJ, en Oci i Esport, en Instruments Musicals, en Compra Venda en Barcelona ciutat en Barcelona